Nevertheless, the growing juridification of the UK constitution, influenced by both the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights, may continue to grow, particularly in these confusing times when the constitution is in flux and with the mass media coverage of the UK Supreme Court’s decision in Miller. 233 The Supreme Court and Court of Appeal have both accepted the


juridification. Quick Reference. Where social and economic activities come increasingly to be governed by legal rules at the expense of the values and principles that develop within those social and economic spheres themselves

Revising the functions of state politics; 5. The normativity of networks; 6. The case of family networks; 7. Concluding remarks; Notes; References; Article Metrics; Related Articles; Comments There is more to the concept of juridification, and this is the power of the legal model (Brinkmann 1982): ‘The concept of juridification implies that legal language and decision-making methods have annexed other areas, such as the political or pedagogical’ (ibid.). Juridification. Humanitarian governance is increasingly undertaken through law and law-like language as actors are held accountable through legal or quasi-legal mechanisms. One important trend is the evolving body of international disaster response law Responds to comments made by Mark Bevir on the piece 'Labour's "Juridification" of the Constitution.' 2018-01-10 In Juridification of Religion?


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English I personally welcome, above all, the juridification of all stages of the sanctions procedure, especially the facility for the Court of Auditors to exercise control. Keywords: juridification, Indigenous rights, Indigenous law, vernacularization, Mayan law, sovereignty, engaged ethnography Introduction The juridification of politics is now widely recognized as a global phenomenon that is here to stay. Since the 1970s, Jürgen Habermas and others have seen in the creeping forms of The Political Economy of Legal Globalization: Juridification, Adversarial Legalism, and Responsive Regulation. A comment - Volume 59 Issue 2 The Juridification of Resource Conflicts is a British Academy-funded academic research project which explores the uses of the jural by a range of actors in Central America and Mexico to advance their views about development and natural resource governance in the context of violent conflict over subsoil resources (specifically minerals) and water. JURIDIFICATION OF THE FOOTBALL FIELD: STRATEGIES FOR GIVING LAW THE ELBOW. SIMON GARDINER & ALEXANDRA FELIX* There is increasingly a view that the law should be involved more prominently in the regulation of sport.1 The area of concern is wide-ranging, with issues such as performers' contracts, restraint of trade, the Masterman, Roger, Juridification, Sovereignty and Separation of Powers (2009).

The case of family networks; 7.

It argues that the phenomenon of juridification is a partial aspect of societal evolution and cannot be effectively reversed by delegalization strategies. The only approaches which can be taken seriously are those which seek to deal with the dysfunctional consequences resulting from juridification.

Translation for 'juridification' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. Juridification can be seen as a strategy of compensatory legitimation.


the creation of the laws and regulations to which the body refers, the process by which it becomes accepted that such a body is the correct space for dispute resolution, and the process by which it becomes accepted that the body’s decisions are fair and to be followed. juridification the process whereby the law has come to exert an increasing influence on the employment relationship and the conduct of industrial relations.


A comment - Volume 59 Issue 2 The Juridification of Resource Conflicts is a British Academy-funded academic research project which explores the uses of the jural by a range of actors in Central America and Mexico to advance their views about development and natural resource governance in the context of violent conflict over subsoil resources (specifically minerals) and water.
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This dissertation argues that the great transformation of education policy and governance that we have witnessed in the last few decades can only be properly understood by taking into account a process of juridification. Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state / edited by Henriette Sinding Aasen, Siri Gloppen, Anne-Mette Magnussen, Even Nilssen.

Juridification of Social Spheres. A Comparative Analysis in the Areas ob Labor, Corporate, Antitrust and Social Welfare Law. In: European University Institute  Draft version—please do not cite. Legalization and Juridification –. Judicial Review as a Catalyst of Institutional Change.
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Since 1998 all maintained schools, academies and city technology colleges in England and Wales have been required to publish a home–school agreement. This documents the school’s responsibilities and the obligations of parents, and itemises the behaviour expected of pupils. Most of the parties sign it, from as young as four, although there is no legal obligation to do so.

Juridification and choice of education. Consequences of student rights. Increased regulation by law, specification of laws and individual legal entitlements has been described as processes of juridification. In Sweden this is evident in how student rights have become more prominent in governing education. En allmän synpunkt man kan ha på det notoriskt svårfångade begreppet juridifiering är hur man särskiljer ett godartat rättsliggörande — med nödvändiga förstärkta rättigheter och rättssäkerhet — från en elakartad juridifiering; alltså när man kan tala om en ”’victimology’ of legal colonization” (s.